1. Statement of alliance secretariat following meeting held 5th Feb, 6 February 2015
  2. Statement of Acceptance of the Ho Chi Minh Award Bestowed on the ANC by the World Peace Council by O. R. Tambo, Luanda, 15 December 1986
  3. Statement congratulating Amanda Coetzer and Wayne Ferreira on winning the Hopman Cup, 8 January 2000
  4. Statement by the National Executive Committee of the ANC - 20 September 2008 | Speeches and Public Statements
  5. Statement by the ANC on the Invasion of Angola by South African Troops by O. R. Tambo, 31 October 1975
  6. Statement by the African National Congress of South Africa on the invasion of Angola by South African troops (image of original)
  7. Statement by Reverend Gabriel Seteloane at the special meeting of the Special Committee against Apartheid in Atlanta to pay tribute to the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on the 50th anniversary of his birth, 16 January 1979
  8. Statement by Oliver Tambo with Other ANC leaders visiting Sweden, 02 February 1990
  9. Statement by Oliver Tambo to the Press, 16 November 1984, Addis Ababa
  10. Statement by Oliver Tambo on the tenth anniversary of the Soweto uprising, 16 June 1986
  11. Statement by Oliver Tambo on the struggle continues and grows more intense, 23 August 1984
  12. Statement by Oliver Tambo on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the Triumph of the Sandinista Revolution, 01 July 1987, Managua
  13. Statement by Oliver Tambo on ANC`s seventieth anniversary: Appeal to the world, 02 December 1981
  14. Statement by Oliver Tambo on 16 June 1984
  15. Statement by Oliver Tambo at the Funeral of Moses Mbheki Mabhida, 29 March 1986, Maputo
  16. Statement by Oliver Tambo at May day rally, 01 May 1987, Stockholm
  17. Statement by Oliver Tambo at a press conference in Addis Ababa, 11 July 1973
  18. Statement by Oliver Tambo accepting the Simon Bolivar award on behalf of Nelson Mandela, 24 July 1983, Caracas, Venezuela
  19. Statement by Olive Tambo at the freedom rally organised by the Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement, 26 January 1979, Dublin
  20. Statement by Mrs. Gertrude Shope at the meeting of the Special Committee against Apartheid in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Struggle of Women in South Africa and Namibia, 11 August 1981
  21. Statement by Mfanafuthi Makatini in the Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly, 27 November 1981
  22. Statement by Mass Democratic Movement on Winnie Mandela
  23. Statement by Malusi Gigaba, ANCYL President, at the funeral of Cde Wanga Sigila, late SASCO Deputy President, Cape Town 23 October 1999
  24. Statement by Deputy President Mbeki at the African Renaissance Conference Johannesburg, 28 September 1998 | Speeches and Public Statements
  25. Statement by Denis Goldberg, ANC at the meeting of the Special Committee against Apartheid in observance of the Day of Solidarity with South African Political Prisoners
  26. Statement by Nelson R. Mandela on his relationship with his wife 13 April 1992
  27. Statement at the Symposium on the Survival and Development of Children in the Frontline States and Southern Africa, Harare, March 1-5, 1988
  28. Statement at the Swedish People's Parliament Against Apartheid by O. R. Tambo, Stockholm, 21 February 1986
  29. Statement at the Launch of the "Nelson Mandela: Freedom at 70" Campaign by O. R. Tambo, Wembley Stadium, London, 11 June 1988
  30. Statement at the International Labour Conference (extract) by O. R. Tambo, Geneva, 19 June 1986
  31. Statement at the Funeral of Moses Mbheki Mabhida by O. R. Tambo, Maputo, 29 March 1986
  32. Statement at the Eighth Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries by O. R. Tambo, Harare, 1 - 6 September 1986
  33. Statement at the Conference of The Socialist International and Frontline States on Southern Africa, Harare by O. R. Tambo, 15 February 1989
  34. Statement at the 50th Session of the OAU Coordinating Committee for the Liberation Of Africa by O. R. Tambo, Harare, 13 May 1988
  35. Statement at the 25th Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organisation of African Unity by O. R. Tambo, Addis Ababa, 24 – 26 July 1989
  36. Statement at the 2053rd meeting of the Security Council by Mfanafuthi Johnstone (Johnny) Makatini, 9 December 1977
  37. Statement at the 19th African-American Conference by O. R. Tambo, Lusaka, 12 January 1989
  38. Statement at Press Conference in Dar es Salaam Concerning Sentences in the Rivinia Trial by O. R. Tambo, 12 June 1964
  39. Statement "Algeria honours Chief Luthuli" by Oliver Tambo, 30 November 1964
  40. State of the Nation Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa, Cape Town City Hall, 8 February 2024 | Official Document - Policy documents
  41. State of African National Congress discussion document from ANC veterans and stalwarts | Speeches and Public Statements
  42. Speech on the Occasion of the Award of an Honorary Doctorate to Nelson Mandela by The Karl Marx University of the German Democratic Republic by O. R. Tambo, Leipzig, 11 November 1987
  43. Speech on Receiving the Freedom of Durban, Durban, 16 April 1999
  44. Speech made by Mrs Winnie Mandela to mark the
  45. Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the unveiling of the tombstone of Helen Joseph Avalon Cemetery, Johannesburg, 30 March 1996
  46. Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the launch of the Siyakha Project, Groutville, 17 June 1995
  47. Speech by Oliver Tambo on the occasion of the award of an honorary Doctorate to Nelson Mandela by the Karl Marx University of the German Democratic Republic, 11 November 1987, Leipzig
  48. Speech by Oliver Tambo at the funeral of Joe Gqabi, Harare, 9 August 1981
  49. Speech by Oliver Tambo at an ANC rally after the close of the National Consultative Conference, 16 December 1990 | Speeches and Public Statements
  50. Speech at the Tenth General Conference of the United National Independence Party by O. R. Tambo, Zambia, August 1988