1. SACP Webinar: Forward to Socialism/Socialist Futures (Panel 1). Convenor: Janet Cherry | Audio and Video
  2. SACP Webinar 2021: Red Lives, 24 August 2021 | Audio and Video, Official Document - Conference Paper
  3. Rolling up Rivonia: 1962 - 1963 by Garth Benneyworth, 15 August 2017 | Article
  4. Review of Neville Alexander’s Book: “One Azania One Nation” by I.B.Tabata, 14 March 1980 | Book Review
  5. Refuse to Ship Goods to Abyssinia! Defend the Last Independent Native State in Africa from the Attacks of Italian Imperialism! by Umsebenzi, 22 June 1935, South Africa | Article
  6. Refuse to Ship Goods to Abyssinia! Defend the Last Independent Native State in Africa from the Attacks of Italian Imperialism! An Appeal to the Harbour Workers of South Africa
  7. Programme of the South African Communist Party - 1962 - The Road to South African Freedom | Article
  8. Possible policy positions, The South African Communist Party on Land Reforms: a personal briefing for Ray Simons | Article
  9. Our Annual Conference — An Inspiring Gathering by The South African Worker, 13 January 1929, South Africa | Official or Original Documents
  10. Our Annual Conference — An Inspiring Gathering
  11. Operation Mayibuye 1963 by Garth Benneyworth | Article
  12. On the expulsion of Communists from the ICU by The South African Worker, December 24 1926, South Africa | Article
  13. Non-racialism, non-collaboration and Communism in South Africa: The contribution of Yusuf Dadoo during his exile years (1960-1983) by Allison Drew | Official Document - Conference Paper
  14. My Life by Stephanie Kemp | Online book
  15. Minutes of Africa Group meeting, SACP, 13 May 1982 | Minutes
  16. Message to the Seventh Congress of the South African Communist Party by O. R. Tambo, April 1989 | Article
  17. Marikana: The blame game - A special report by Niren Tolsi and Paul Botes | Article
  18. Manifesto of the Communist Party of South Africa by SACP, 30 July 1921, Cape Town | Speeches and Public Statements
  19. Mandela’s membership of the Communist Party: what needs to be reassessed by Tom Lodge | Article
  20. Letter from Moses M Kotane in Cradock to Johannesburg District Party Committee by Moses M Kotane, February 23 1934, South Africa | Letters
  21. Labour Struggles in South Africa The Forgotten Pages 1903 - 1921 by Evangelos A. Mantzaris | Online book
  22. Josie Mpama - 1903–1979 | Article
  23. Isibophezelo Senhlangano Yamakhomanisi (The Communist Manifesto translated into Zulu by Brian Ramadiro ) | Official Document - Policy documents
  24. Interview with Harry Gwala conducted by Tony Karonat, January 1989, Dambuza Pietermaritzburg | Interviews
  25. Interview with Harry Gwala conducted by Tony Karon at Dambuza, Pietermaritzburg, on Sunday January 8 1989 | Interviews
  26. International Socialism and the Native – No Labour Movement without the Black Proletariat
  27. Inkululeko - Freedom | Newspaper clippings
  28. How to Master Secret Work by Communist Party of South Africa | Article
  29. Heroes of our revolution: Bram Fischer (1908 -1975) | Article
  30. Has Socialism Failed? by Joe Slovo South African Communist Party | Article
  31. For a United Front of the People Against Imperialism by Umsebenzi, 26 October 1935, South Africa | Article
  32. Fight the New Fascist Bill — Defend the Cape Native Franchise - 1935 | Article
  33. Fifty Fighting Years by A. Lerumo. The Communist Party of South Africa, 1921 - 1971 - Foreword to Book, by Dr Yusuf M. Dadoo,1972  | Book chapter
  34. Fifty Fighting Years by A Lerumo | Book chapter
  35. Errors of Workerism by ISIZWE (Journal of the UDF), November 1986, South Africa | Journal
  36. Document 92 “Communist Party of South Africa Plenum Held from 5th to 8th April 1936”, Umsebenzi, and 16 May 1936 | Book chapter
  37. Document 91 - John Gomas, “The Native Representation Bill is Passed: What Must be Done Now?” Umsebenzi, 25 April 1936 | Book chapter
  38. Document 90 - “Hertzog’s Native Bill Passed: Only 11 Oppose Reactionary Measure”, Umsebenzi, 1 1 April 1936 | Book chapter
  39. Document 9 - Letter from W. H. Andrews to Tom Mann,” 26 December 1922 | Book chapter
  40. Document 89 “People’s Front and the Cry for Unity in South Africa”, The Spark, 2, 4, April 1936 | Book chapter
  41. Document 85 - E. R. Roux, “The Native Exploiters: A reply to ‘A. Z.”’, Umsebenzi,20 April 1935 | Book chapter
  42. Document 83 “Native Bourgeoisie as a Class”, Umsebenzi, 16 February 1935 | Book chapter
  43. Document 8 - S. P. Bunting, The “Colonial” Labour Front, 23 October 1922 | Book chapter
  44. Document 79 “What is the Communist Party? Lesson 4: What will be Done in the Bantu Republic?”, Umsebenzi, 17 March 1934 | Book chapter
  45. Document 78 “What is the Communist Party? A South African Native Republic, Lesson 3: The Native Republic 1 “, Umsebenzi, 24 February 1934 | Book chapter
  46. Document 7 - ‘White South Africa.’ Two Voices.” The International, 27 January 1922 | Book chapter
  47. Document 47 - “International Communist League Formed in South Africa”, International Bulletin of the International Communist League, New Series, 2, September 1934 | Book chapter
  48. Document 44 - Letter from Leon Trotsky to T. W. Thibedi, 4 September 1932 | Book chapter
  49. Document 43 - Letter from T. W. Thibedi fo Leon Trotsky, 10 August 1932 | Book chapter
  50. Document 41 - Letter from the Communist League of America to T.W. Thibedi, 30 May 1932 | Book chapter