- The Corobrik strike
- The Convention Movement
- The contribution of mission hospitals to medical care
- The Contemporary Observer
- The contemporary Black Movement as it has developed from its forerunners
- The contemporary Black Movement as it has developed from its forerunners
- The Constitution in Flux: Natals Present Pos
- The Constitution
- The Congress tradition: Equal but separate
- The Congress of the people
- The Congo marches to freedom
- The Congo compromise | Article
- The Congo and Nigeria: A study in Contrast
- The Congo (III): after independence
- The conflict - a clash of cultures
- The Conference of the All-African Convention
- The conference for a democratic future
- The condom
- The concept of apartheid
- The Comrades
- The compound, the reserve and the urban location: the essential institutions of Southern African labout exploitation
- The commune of Bulhoek
- The Commonwealth Conference
- The Commonwealth Conference
- The Commissioner speaks
- The Commission of Enquiry on Occupational Health
- The Comet
- The colonialism of the European Common Market
- The Clover workers story | Poster
- The Cloudy isle
- The class structure in South Africa and its relation to the colour bar
- The city centre - a terrain of struggle
- The citizen as elector
- The Ciskei`s war against workers
- The Ciskei Referendum
- The circle game
- The Churchs mission to industry
- The churchs best kept secret
- The churches and apartheid | Poster
- The church/state conflict: what has happened?
- The Church Struggle in South Africa
- The Church of the Province of South Africa
- The Church in South African Black urban townships
- The Church in Communist countries: China
- The Church in apartheid society and the need for Christian reconciliation
- The Church as yeast in Industry
- The church as seen by a young layman
- The Church and violence
- The church and the struggle for a democratic alternative
| Official Document - Conference Paper - The church and the race problem | Minutes