- The Liberal Party replies
- The Liberal Democratic Association
- The lessons to be learnt from British coal mi
- The Lessons of libel
- The lessons of conflict
- The Lesson of the Transkei
- The Lesson of the Congo
- The lesson of Kampuchea
- The Legal Resources Centre
- The Legal Disabilities of Zulu Women Part 2
- The Legal Disabilities of Zulu Women
- The Legacy of Influx Control
- The Legacy of Apartheid
- The least dramatic contribution
- The laws which humiliate
- The law that devastates
- The launch of UWUSA
- The latest on registration
- The latest challenge
- The last ditch
- The last demonstration held by the Black Sash on the steps of the Johannesburg City Hall, September 1963. All gatherings in the vicinity of the City Hall have now been banned.
- The last decade of apartheid art
- The Langa lies
- The land shall be shared
- The land my land: the work of the Athlone Advice Office
- The land is our life ... labour tenants` struggle for land rights
- The Land Act legacy 70 years later
- The land
- The labour situation in South Africa
- The labour movement after the elections: taking stock
- The Kinross disaster: 15 000 voices all saying safety first
- The Killing fields of Southern Africa
- The killing fields of apartheid
- The KhoiKhoi Rebellion
- The Kenya question mark
- The Kenya crisis
- The Karoo Meat Exchange strike
- The Kairos document: a theological comment on the political crisis in South Africa
| Book chapter - The Kairos Document
- The just struggle
- The July handicap | Poster
- The Judiciary
- The judge without the vote
- The joys of hiring and firing
- The Johannesburg Municipal elections
- The Johannesburg morning market
- The January strikes
- The Jacksonsdrift Clinic Project
- The Italia labour movement: `giving voice to new realities`
- The Island | Poster