- Delegates prepare for NUM National Congress
- Deklarasie van kinder regte | Poster
- Dehumanising the Black man
- Defining Rural Urban and Urbanisation
- Defiance: obstinate nation condemned to relive the past
- Defiance in action
- Defiance campaign: Mandela | Poster
- Defendre le Statut | Poster
- Defend, consolidate and advance the Front
- Defend your organisation: hands off COSATU | Poster
- Defend your organisation: hands off COSATU
- Defend the right to sit where you like: resist train apartheid
| Official Document - Correspondences - Defend the five teachers
- Defend our future
- Defend our community against Aids | Poster
- Defenceless Driefontein scores a victory over tardy police
- Defence of apartheid
- Defence committees in Angola
- Defence Amendment Bill (1983) | Poster
- Defence = R3.5b: defending whose Republic? | Poster
- Deepening the united front, broadening the anti-aprtheid alliance
- Deeds as well as words
- Dedication: Comrade Zulei Christopher
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Dedication
- Decolonization by the year 2000 | Poster
- Declaration on health and welfare in Southern Africa
- Declaration of Tokyo
- Declaration of the United Democratic Front
- Declaration of the political bureau of the Central Committee of UNITA