- Review: Robert A. Jones: Collective bargaining in South Africa. Macmillan 1982, 89 pages
- Review: Rethinking socialism
- Review: Power! Black workers, their unions and the struggle for freedom in South Africa
- Review: Johnny Gomas as I knew him
- Review: Influence of apartheid and capitalism on the development of black trade unions in South Africa
- Review: Industrialisation and trade union organisation in South Africa, 1924-55; the rise and fall of the South African Trades and Labour Council: Jon Lewis
- Review: Industrial relations in South African perspective by K. Reese
- Review: Engine of development: South Africa`s National Economic Forum
- Review: Class struggle - The State and Medicine by Vincente Navarro, Martin Robertson 1978
- Review: Cast in a Racial Mould
- Review: Black working class women in South African society
- Review: ANGLO - Anglo American and the rise of modern South Africa
- Review: After the fall: the failure of communism and the future of socialism
- Review: A social contract the way forward? A critical evaluation by Bashier Vally
- Review since last Conference
- Review of the state of organisation of the Liberation Movement
| Letters - Review of the Buthelezi Commission
- Review of Murrays Families Divided
- Review of J. M. Coetzee's 'Wating for
- Review of Farewell to Innocence
- Review Of African Political Economy
- Review article: South African labour studies
- Review article - How Can Man Die Better...Sobukwe and Apartheid, by Benjamin Pogrund | Article
- Review Article
- Review 1967-1968
- Review
- Revealing is healing | Poster
- Rev Alan Storey: on trial for non-voiolence | Poster
- Return Visit
- Return to the Congo
- Return to school
- Return the 'gifts'
- Return of an exile: September 1991
- Retrenchments: defend Steele Brothers
- Retrenchment victory
- Retrenchment means poverty! | Poster
- Retrenchment blocked
- Retrenchment an excuse to get rid of me says 55-year-old Brown Lung victim
- Retrenched workers paid R2 500
- Retrenched workers found jobs after workers down tools
- Retirement of Mrs E Fouche
- Rethinking economic strategies
- Restructuring the labour movement after apartheid
- Restructuring social services in South Africa
- Restructuring and financing of health and welfare services
- Restrictions: A different kind of prison | Poster
- Restricted vision (Some comments on the 40 hour famine)
- Restitution/Reparation: a commitment to justice and peace
- Restating our policy
- Responses to Janet Cherry`s detention