Contents: Sunshine and Sharpeville. Cartoon, David Marais. The Nineteen Days, anon. correspondent. The Lion and the Cockrell, Michael Picardie. Cartoon, Gask. African and Indian in Durban, Fatima Meer. The Prisons of Apartheid, Sonia Bunting. Petition from Goal. Cartoon, Papas. The Emperor’s Clothes, Kevin Holland. The Commonwealth Conference, Dennis Eisenberg. The High Commission Territories, Hon. Hilary Marquand, M.P.  A Tory Looks at Federation, James Lemkin. Portrait of Iain Macleod, James Cameron with a sketch by Nicholas Bentley. The Belgian Congo(II)- Towards Independence, Colin Legum. At Last Sierra Leone, Dr. Edward W. Blyden. The Algerian War, Anthony Wedgwood Benn. Tunis Diary, Catherine Hoskyns. A Manner of Speaking, J. Arthur Maimane. Book Reviews, J.E. Spence.